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Green Chair Live: Full recording

Green Chair Live: Full recording
2 hours Green Chair
Watch the full recording of our Green Chair LIVE event where we focus on the opportunities, solutions and challenges to make the cargo handling industry - and with that, the world - more sustainable.

Watch the full recording of our Green Chair LIVE event where we focus on the opportunities, solutions and challenges to make the cargo handling industry - and with that, the world - more sustainable.

The event consists of five sessions:


  1. Achieving Sustainable Growth – Mette Kjems Baerentzen, Head of Sustainability, Kalmar discusses the paradox of growing your business while simultaneously bringing emissions down, and introduces the content of the Green Chair LIVE event


  1. Know your value chain’s CO2 impact Marjolein Koopman, Head of Sourcing Sustainability at Kalmar discusses key approaches to reduce value chain emissions and Thomas Hörnfeldt, VP Sustainable Business at SSAB, shares about the potential of fossil free steel


  1. Green technology options Lasse Eriksson, Head of Green Technologies in Kalmar shares insights on available and future green technologies for cargo handling equipment


  1. The green transitionChristopher Saavedra, Senior Manager Terminal Design Services at Kalmar, Jesper Raakjær, Group Chief Visionary Officer, Port of Aalborg, Søren Bæk Christensen, Director of Operations, Port of Aalborg and Kristoffer Kloch, Innovation & Partnerships Project Manager, DFDS talk about how to implement and navigate the green transition

  2. Panel discussion – Questions from the audience answered


Watch the webinar by filling the form on this page. Alternatively, you can watch each session as a separate webinar here




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