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Main principles of financing and financial risk management

Kalmar’s financing and financial risk management are conducted according to the Treasury Policy, approved by the Board of Directors. Organisation, responsibilities and principles of financial risk management, monitoring and reporting are defined in the  Treasury Policy. Treasury Committee, appointed by the Board, is responsible for Treasury Policy compliance and for organising and monitoring the treasury function. 

The objective of the treasury function is to secure sufficient funding for business operations, avoiding financial constraint at all times, provide business units with financial services, minimise the costs of financing, manage financial risks (currency, interest  rate, liquidity and funding, credit, counterparty and operational risks) and regularly provide management with information on the financial position and risk exposures of Kalmar and its business units. 

Kalmar’s treasury function is responsible for funding at corporate level, managing liquidity and financial risks, providing efficient set up of financing operations and  monitoring business units’ financial position. Kalmar’s treasury function reports on these issues monthly. The business units are responsible for hedging their financial risks according to the Treasury Policy and Instructions from the treasury function.